Authentic Learning
It is important for students to explore their local parks, as it immerses them fully into world they live in, and results in deeper and more authentic learning to occur (Getting Smart, 2017, p. 4). As part of this unit students will have the opportunity to engage with the environment around them, known as Place-Based education, which “connects learning and communities with the primary goals of increasing student engagement, boosting academic outcomes, impacting communities and promoting understanding of the world around us” (Getting Smart, 2017, p. 8).
To create a more authentic learning experience, the unit involves first-hand communication with a number of experts from various disciplines, such as local artists, Indigenous leaders, wilderness experts, scientists, and municipal planners. This inclusion of multiple interdisciplinary perspectives exposes students to various view points of the same subject matter, leading to increased problem solving, creativity, and productivity (Strober, 2009).
The culminating project is student-centred in that it allows students to take control of their own learning, building upon their previous knowledge, and immerses students in their local environments, creating a sense of pride and belonging to their communities. The project has been purposely designed in this manner to allow students to consider and look for solution to relevant local problems and “contribute their ideas and original findings to the community” (Jacobsens, Lock, & Friesen, 2013).