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This unit has been centred around local park to give students the opportunity to learn about Indigenous cultures, the surrounding community, the ecosystem we live in, and ways in which citizens can help contribute to the conservation of local natural spaces. The design of the unit allows for compatibility with all subjects, and can thereby be the primary activity students are involved in throughout the day.


Core disciplines from the programs of study have been combined together in an engaging way to involve students in real-life issues and disciplines, allowing them to consider questions about their local parks and nearby communities in a deeper way than simply studying these topics from a single lens (Friesen et al., 2015).


The unit culminates in a final project where students are able to demonstrate their learning in a format of their choice. A personalized and authentic learning environment is created throughout the unit, as the variety of topics covered, and the freedom to choose the medium of the final deliverable, appeals to diverse student interests, increasing student motivation and engagement (Alberta Education, 2010, p. 5).

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